Friday, November 15, 2013

No Impact Man: no effect to the environment for an year.

The film, “No Impact Man,” is a documentary that is about family who lives in one of the biggest cities in the world doing an eco-friendly project. In the movie, an environmentalist and also a writer ‘Collin Beavan’ is showing a project that does not affect the environment through practical actions. The phrase itself, ‘No Impact Man’, means that one does not affect anything to environment at all.  Collin did this project for a year. Here are several things what he and his family did.

1.      Do not make trashes
2.      Do not use any transportation such as bus, car, elevator.
3.      Eat food from local
4.      Do not buy things unless really needed
5.      Reduce the amount of electronic energy(using candle)

A common person makes average 0.7ton of trash in a year, so Collin’s family decided to reduce everything which they can. They do not use disposable things, do not buy clothes, do not use transportation, and do not make trashes.
The most impact scene was a radio program that Collin was in. He went to 24th floor by stairway. It was amazing how he was passionate to do the project. Also, he and his wife ride bicycle instead of driving car or taking bus. Later on, his wife and daughter ride a bicycle together which they got as a support from someone.

The longer mileage that food move increase in greenhouse gas emission, so Collin’s family go a local market in city. They buy local organic food to reduce the greenhouse gas emission by “Food Mileage”, and they also get fresh and inexpensive value of food.
Sobiji move from producer to food street food that much mileage the longer the increase in greenhouse gas emissions. Colin 400km within the family , because I only buy fresh local food to eat. Local organic food to reduce food miles , as well as fresh and inexpensive value . In fact, without the use of disposable food sameokgi region began eating a vegetarian dish is also being replaced are taught never shuts. By doing so, his wife started to learn how to cook with fresh food from local food which she has never made before. In addition, the habit of their eating even changes.
From the beginning, they removed TV in their house, so family and neighbors sit around together and talk most likely catching up and playing a game. It seems very nice that they have time to spare at home because these days it is an issue that there is almost no conversation between families and neighbors. Even after they shut down the whole electricity at home, and they are only living with candle lights. However, they should do their laundry in a bath tub using their feet stepping on clothes because they also stopped using washing machine and refrigerator. They also tried to make a Nigeria refrigerator system which is using two pots, but it turned out that the system is not really working well. In the middle of the project, they were having too much hard time and inconvenience, so they had argument and they were talking about why they should do this. However, they never give up and success the one year project success.

After one year, after the project ends, they start to not doing the project anymore, but his wife said, “Although the project ended, I will still ride bicycle, and I want to go to the local market. No TV.” Although they had really hard time themselves doing this project, they finish the project successfully and they became popular and famous as people who have done eco-friendly environment action.

The movie, “No Impact Man,” has a strong message to regular people that how much the awareness of practice and behavior that actually DO are important. At the end, Collin ended up with conclusion that waste and pollution, greenhouse gas emissions resulting from human nature, but rather is a matter of habit in our society collectively. As he said, it is short cut that one changes his minor habit of individualism reduces pollution.
I had really great time watching the whole movie. I enjoyed and realized how much I am polluting our space. We should try at least few days what Collin’s family did.

We need to protect our EARTH~

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