Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Waste in our life

Have you every though how much you throw away wastes? 
Try this !! 
For Two days just live in regular life throwing away things without thinking how much you throw away.
For another two days, pay attention for waste such as trying not to throw away and try to use reusable things, and do recycle.

Here is my trial ~

I measure the waste two days on November 1 and 2, 2013. I had three bags of 13 gallon trash bags in two days. I just put all trashes in bags all together which means I did not have any bag for recycle. I just threw everything away without thinking the amount of trash such as beer bottles, can beers, water bottles, food etc. There were not so many kinds of trashes although I did not buy anything else except for living. However, there were some disposal boxes which from some restaurant that I took it to go. Also there was some leftover food that went bad.

I could have reduced garbage doing recycling. There are many good points of paying attention. Here is a list that I can do to reduce my trashes.
-       Make a shopping list that I really need
-       Do not buy or cook too much food.
-       Do not try to use one time used stuff(disposable stuff: plastic things, cans, bottles)
-       Make a different trash can for recycle.

After I checked for two days without thinking of the amount of trashes, I tried to reduce trashes for two days which was November 3 and 4. During these two days, I was really paying attention what I throw away, and I also tried not to buy things. Also, I made a trash can for only recycle. As a result, it was amazing that I reduced the half of trashes and I could make a little money back by recycle. Although it was only two days efforts, I realized that I reduced a lot of trashes. If I keep paying attention to my trashes, it will be great to reduce waste. It was great experience doing four days different activity for trashes.

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