Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Let's Try to Be Friend with Nature !

Everyone is getting stress when they focus on doing something. Naturally people want to take a rest. The same thing happened to me last weekend. On Saturday on September 28, 2013, I decided to go out to take a rest and walk around to stress away since I could not focus on studying. I had so much to do, so I just wanted to take a break doing nothing.
It was sunny nice Saturday.
I unintentionally walked to the International Village, around my apartment, which is a dormitory for international students around University California of Riverside. After I saw the place, I wanted to go to the behind of the building where the soccer and basketball field are.
Then I suddenly wanted to sit on the grass to feel the nature and think nothing like meditation. I wanted to try not to think about anything and tried to feel the nature and refresh myself.

I was sitting there more than 20 minutes, but I did not realize that I was sitting there quite long time. I was feeling good by doing nothing.
While I was there, I sometimes closed my eyes and opened my eyes to look around me.

I think I was closing my eyes about 5-10mins.
While I closed my eyes, I felt wind a little touching my skin; grass was moving around me and made some noise a little. There were also trees behind of me making some noise with their branches and leaves. I heard a bird sound around me, but I was not sure what the bird is.
Also, because of the clouds I could feel that I am under the shade although I was not sitting under a tree. When I was under the shade because of clouds I could feel that the air around me was a little cooler and I wanted to be out more. However, it was really hot and I felt I was burning when I was not in the shade.
Even though I did not move at all sitting at a position, the nature itself was moving and making some different. I was imagining the huge picture of nature, so I realized that I am a very small “thing” in the nature.

After I tried to feel the nature with closing eyes, I opened my eyes to look around what I felt.

There were many biotic things around me which I could not actually see them.
I tried to see the nature as much as I can see the details.
There were some small flies flying around me and annoying me.  
There were many ants working such as bringing some sweet things from unknown place.  There was a lizard was on the tree, and the lizard did not have the tail. I thought he had a hard time to survive.
Some birds were flying around the building and there were some people looking at me a little bit strange.
Some people were about to play basketball probably to stress away like me, or to have fun with friends.

It was nice experience trying to be a small natural thing. I would never know what are around me if I do not really care or try to feel. After being together with nature for my break, I could have been focus more for my study.We should not forget that we are a small species in the nature. We are living in the world with many things together including biotic and abiotic things. A lot of bugs and flies flying around me were moving from tree to other trees(mutualism), and ants working on walking in the nature and taking food from other area(commensalism). I could find easily producer such as grass, primary and secondary consumers in the food chain.

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